You will need your student’s ID number. Your child uses this every day to log into their Chromebooks. You can also find their ID number on their report card, from their teacher, or call the school.
Creating your account works best on a computer.
You will need your child’s student number for this method.
It should then find your child and ask which person you are (it should show all those identified as parent/ guardian). If you get an error that it cannot verify you it is because your cell number and/or email did not migrate in the change to IC. Call the school so we can update your profile.
You select which parent/ guardian you are, and if you have a cell phone and/ or email it will ask you where to send a confirmation code.
Enter the code.
It will then display the activation key and present a link where you create a new account.
Copy the key, click the link, and paste the activation key.
The system will walk you through creating an account ID and password.
It will create the account and prompt you to log in.