Title I, the cornerstone of the North Carolina Elementary & Secondary Education Act (ESEA), is the largest federal education program. About half the schools and all school districts in North Carolina receive Title I funding. Many of the major requirements in NSEA are outlined in Title I – Annual Measureable Objectives (AMOs), teacher and paraprofessional requirements, accountability, for schools designated for improvement, standards and assessments, annual state report cards, professional development, and parent involvement.

Testing Transparency Notification 


Parents have the right to request and be provided with information regarding any state or local educational agency policy regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by the state or local educational agency. See below for our annual testing calendar. If you have any questions, please reach out to the testing coordinator, Sherry Reeves at sherry.reeves@arapahoecharter.org 

Notification of Annual Testing Program (Testing Calendar)

Notificaion del programa de pruebas anual (Calendario de pruebas)

Math Road Maps by Grade Level